Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Certification Program (RYT-500)

(200-Hour Program + 300-Hour Advanced Program = 500-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Certification)

Continue your Yoga Teacher training with Ajna’s 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga program. This is an advanced-level teacher training program open to any graduates of a Yoga Alliance-certified 200-Hour level program. Completion of the Advanced 300-Hour program results in a 500-Hour designation, which refers to the total cumulative hours of both programs. The 500-Hour designation is the highest level of Yoga Teacher Training recognized by the Yoga Alliance.


*Please note that the 300 Hour Program is not a Certified Yoga Therapy training. To become a Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), you can continue your training with the 800 Hour Yoga Therapy Diploma. You can begin with the 300 Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga program as a bridge program to certifying as a Yoga Therapist. Read more about the Bridge Yoga Therapy Training here.

Click to Register for the Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Training Certification Program.

Online Registration

Click to access the Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Training Certification Program FAQ.

300-Hour FAQ

Click to learn more about Ajna Yoga’s bursary opportunities.


300 Hour (RYT-500) Program Outline

Ajna’s Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Program is offered on a module-based format. This program is trauma-informed, with a foundation in yoga therapy. The program can be taken on a full-time basis (20 hours a week, 13-week term), or students can choose to take modules in a go-at-your-own-pace format. Our graduates learn the essential tools for teaching therapeutic yoga, with guidance from a highly qualified and supportive faculty.

During COVID -19, our programs moved online. Being online made our programs more accessible for many of our students and it meant that we could continue the learning, even during restrictions. Another bonus of being online was expanding our studentship to include people from all over the world.


We are committed to keeping our training accessible, so all parts of our program including the mentorship can be take online.

The Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Certification includes:

  • A 10-class Mentorship with a member of the Ajna Faculty
  • A 6-week Practice Teaching Module
  • 14 weekend modules (Friday 5-9pm, Sat & Sun 9am-5pm).
  • There are five mandatory modules from the list below – ‘Backcare’, ‘Wrists and Shoulders’, ‘Hips and Knees’, ‘Sequencing for Therapeutic Applications’ and ‘Trauma, Yoga and Mental Health’

Students can choose 14 modules from the following list. Yoga, Psychology and the Mind counts for 3 module credits. Sign up for individual modules on our Yoga Therapy Schedule page.

(Click “+” to expand sections for further details)

300 Hour (RYT-500) Admission Requirements

Students must be at least 19 years of age and hold a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate. All applications to this program require submission of the following information and supporting documents before your file can be assessed for admission:

  • Online Application
  • Copy of photo ID proving you are at least 19 years of age
  • Submit one of language proficiency requirements from the Language Proficiency Requirements Policy
  • Copy of photo ID proving you are at least 19 years of age
  • Letter of reference from your RYS Yoga Teacher Training School where you received your 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate
  • Personal Statement

Your personal statement should be a maximum two-page letter that speaks to the following criteria:

  1. Your motivation for seeking entrance to the program (please respond to all of the following: why are you interested in this program? What do you hope to learn? Why do you feel called to this program at this moment in time?)
  2. Your yoga teaching experience
  3. Other relevant non-yoga experience or training that you bring to the program; and
  4. The areas you would like to improve upon as a student in the program.

300 Hour (RYT-500) Program Details

    • Duration: 
      • Full-Time Program: 13 weeks + 6-week Practice Teaching Internship. Program Date: January – April
      • Part-Time Program: Students can take up to 3 years to complete all required modules. Start anytime with any module.
    • A $440 deposit is required to hold your spot ($1,440 for International students)
    • The deposit is applied to the tuition of one 20-hour weekend module, the 6-week Practice Teaching Module and the 10-class Mentorship with a Faculty Member
    • $200 is a non-refundable application fee ($500 for International students)

Workshop Schedule

14 Weekend Modules
(The Yoga, Psychology and the Mind Module counts as 3 modules)
10-Class Mentorship$300
6-Week Internship$140
Total for Canadian students
(deposit $440)
$150 non-refundable
Total for International Students (Deposit $800)
$500 non refundable

300 Hour (RYT-500) Payment Options

Pay by:

  • Cheque made out to Ajna Yoga
  • To pay by cheque, please mail to:
    • Ajna Yoga
      209-2250 Oak Bay Avenue
      Victoria, B.C.
      V8R 1G5
  • E-transfer sent to
  • Visa or Mastercard through our Wellness Living registration site

Pay by Visa or MC

300 Hour (RYT-500) Graduation Requirements

Students must completely fulfill the following requirements:

  1. All modules must be completed in a maximum of three years. If you are unable to attend a workshop, you may attend the same workshop the following year. All workshop modules are repeated each year.
  2. The practice teaching and the mentorship modules must be successfully completed. Both modules will be adjudicated by the student’s Mentor or the Director of the program. The practice teaching module requires a written outline of the 6-week course.
  3. Students must be prepared for each class by bringing a notebook, writing material (pens, highlighters). Students must wear clothes suitable for asana practice.
  4. During class modules students are required to take part in group assignments and demonstrate learned material.

The yoga therapy components of our training are based on our accreditation with The International Association of Yoga Therapists, not derived from our status as a RYS with Yoga Alliance Registry.
*The 300 hour Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

300 Hour (RYT-500) Course Reading

(Click “+” to expand sections for further details)

Click to Register for the Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Training Certification Program.

Online Registration

Click to access the Advanced 300-Hour Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Training Certification Program FAQ.

300-Hour FAQ

Click to learn more about Ajna Yoga’s bursary opportunities.
