Graduate Stories

Jenni Griffiths

Jenni Griffiths (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapy Bridge Program in March, 2025. Jenni says:
“Ajna has been supportive and encouraging while fostering independent thinking and inspiring your creative side. I appreciate the science based approach while leaving space for philosophy as well as recognizing time-honoured customs and practices. All of these things are beautifully woven together with mindful delivery to the student. A truly nurturing experience. This is from someone who has not enjoyed the process of education in the past. A big thank you”


Madhu Nagarajan

Madhu Nagarajan (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapy Bridge Program in February, 2025. Madhu says:
“This program doesn’t just provide theoretical knowledge – it prepares you for the realities of becoming a yoga therapist.
There were many impactful moments, but I would have to say that the anatomy modules stood out the most. Despite having taken several trainings before, none of them explained anatomy the way Ajna Yoga did. The way the material was broken down into manageable, bite-sized pieces, with practical examples, made it so much easier to understand and apply to my clients. I used to dread anatomy, but now I genuinely enjoy it.
The mentorship sessions were undoubtedly the most valuable part of the program. The mentorship sessions allowed me to get personalized guidance and feedback. I was able to present poses I needed help with, and many of these were used in my group sessions. The feedback I received wasn’t just about cues; it also included creative ideas, resources, prop alternatives, and insights from the mentors’ own experiences with students. These insights have been so valuable in my one-on-one sessions.
The best part is that mentors are just an email away, but they’ve also taught me how to navigate the real world on my own.”

Connect with Madhu:


Angela Henderson

Angela Henderson (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in August, 2024. Angela says:
“I sustained an injury in 2018 that permanently changed my work as a RMT and my personal yoga practice. It was through a continuing education course that I met another RMT / Yoga Therapist and was immediately excited to know that I could continue to work with people in a way that might feel better for my body.

The therapist that I met introduced me to Ajna, as she had also taken the therapy program. After a few emails back and forth with Michelle, I decided that this was the program for me; I felt inspired to broaden my practice and expand on my career choice.

The wide scope of learning in this program was most fulfilling to me. I was introduced to some familiar and many new topics (that leave me still processing a wealth of knowledge). The transition in 2020 to online learning eased the burden of traveling and allowed me to make some lifelong friends who I may not have otherwise met.

My intention after gaining this certification is to share the teachings through yoga classes, private sessions, and workshops. Immersing in yoga therapy has helped to solidify something in me, where I feel I can finally start to weave together all of the pieces of my learning and experience to create offerings for others. It is inspiring to witness clients discover an inner quietude and their own capacity to move in functional and pain-free ways.”

Connect with Angela:


Christina Sanders

Christina Sanders (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in May, 2024. Christina says::
“For several years I kept turning back to yoga to try and find relief from chronic pain. Parts of the practice would help me feel better but most of the time it would make my chronic pain worse. I felt confused and frustrated.

In 2019 during a search for relief from the symptoms I was experiencing, I found an online summit for yoga and mental health. After attending this yoga summit I discovered that I can do yoga, it felt good, and it was reducing not only my physical pain but layers of hurt and suffering. From that moment I decided I would become a yoga therapist to create awareness of its benefits and help others.

I met a massage therapist who was enrolled in a training with Ajna and was telling me about her classes. She knew I was interested in becoming a Yoga Therapist and mentioned Ajna’s Yoga Therapy Program. I went home and did my research on all the programs offered in Canada and which were accessible to me. The inclusivity and accessibility of Ajna’s program was in align with my values and goals.

All the members of Ajna Yoga have done a wonderful job of facilitating the yoga therapy program. They honor the traditions of yoga with respect and make inclusivity and accessibility the forefront of their teachings.

The community connection I felt from day 1 of my training was something I had not experienced before and it made me feel comfortable and safe which allowed me to let my guard down, build confidence, and flourish through the program.

As a yoga therapist I plan to create awareness of the benefits and help build more inclusive, accessible, and empowering spaces where individuals can experience the therapeutic benefits of yoga within community. My current focus is on pain care, self care, and lifestyle management for the management and prevention of chronic conditions and illness, helping to help support others on their own path toward healing and wholeness.”

Connect with Christina:
Facebook: @yourdiscoveryandjourney


Jackie Rioux

Jackie Rioux (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in May, 2024. Jackie says::
“I found yoga therapy at a time in my life when I needed a holistic model of healing. As a mental health professional, I believe humans heal within the context of relationships. Yoga therapy not only improved my relationship with my body, it offered me connection with others on the same path to wellbeing.

I chose Ajna Yoga College because of the warmth and experience of its two founders, Jules Payne and Michelle Schroeder. They supported me through my training journey and introduced me to a faculty composed of diverse and dedicated instructors.

It’s difficult for me to say what I enjoyed most about the program because I loved it all. I felt held to a high standard of professional practice and encouraged to find a niche to best serve the clients who seek me out.

Since becoming a certified yoga therapist I have begun teaching balance and bone health classes as well as yoga for healthy aging to older grown-ups on the Saanich Peninsula where I call home. I have also started a business called Wise Mind Yoga Therapy which incorporates the principles of yoga into more traditional psychotherapy. As a Registered Clinicial Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Canadian Counsellor, my clients are able to claim sessions with me through their insurance providers.”

Connect with Jackie:
Instagram: @wisemindyogatherapy


Lana Al-Salem

Lana Al-Salem (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in May, 2024. Lana says:
“I came to yoga therapy because I believe in its power to promote wellness and healing on multi-human layers – physical, mental, and emotional. I had personal experiences that convinced me of its power.

As for choosing Ajna, there were a few reasons. First, they offered hybrid modules, which was a great fit for my schedule. Second, I liked the option to take the 300-hour program first, followed by the 800-hour yoga therapy program. Finally, Ajna impressed me with the variety of modules they offered and the chance to learn from different teachers.

Ajna’s program wasn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it was a catalyst for my professional growth as a yoga therapist. The program provided me with a profound understanding of anatomy, musculoskeletal challenges, pain care, mental health, trauma, yoga philosophy, and meditation.

This comprehensive knowledge base empowered me to design and develop a remarkable seven therapeutic group series. Now, in my thriving private practice, I directly translate this expertise into personalized sessions for my growing clientele of seven clients per week.

A key strength of the program was the way the diverse modules built upon each other. This carefully crafted curriculum ensured a strong foundation as we progressed. By the time we reached the internship groups and personalized sessions, it felt like all the pieces clicked into place. We were no longer just learning concepts, but actively pulling that knowledge into practice.

The program’s strength was further amplified by the varied backgrounds of the teachers. Exposure to these diverse perspectives enriched my understanding and equipped me to approach my clients with a more holistic viewpoint.

I’ve launched my own practice, seeing clients one-on-one and offering group yoga therapy workshops. I’m also looking for opportunities to get involved in yoga therapy research.”

Connect with Lana:
Instagram: @narayani.wellnessjourney

Danya Nonis

Danya Nonis(she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in May, 2024. Danya says:
“Prior to my initial 200hr teacher training in 2016, I knew that I wanted to share the therapeutic practice of yoga to populations who you might not typically see in a yoga studio. However, I had not yet had a name for it nor a clear path of how to get there.

Having worked in therapeutic recreation for several years, I felt compelled to offer my clients (people of various ages with physical, mental, and cognitive diversity) more. Through my yoga therapy training and teaching opportunities, I have gained the tools and confidence to offer ‘more’. Supporting individuals find comfort and ease in their bodies and their minds through breathwork, gentle movement and mindfulness.

Through research of yoga therapy training programs during Covid, the part-time option, ability to train online, and the fact that it was also local (within BC), Ajna Yoga appealed to me. Seeing that Nicole, who I had previously trained with, was a faculty member, I felt confident that Ajna Yoga was the program for me.

Michelle and Jules both showed impeccable professionalism, knowledge, and support every step of the training journey. The organization of content and flexibility for teaching individual sessions and group series, allowed me to truly grasp concepts and practices. I highly regard the quality of this program and the attributes of faculty members and fellow students.

I am currently updating my website to build my online offerings as well as expanding my offerings with local organizations. Specific areas of interest are supporting with nervous system regulation for mental health, neurological issues and for chronic pain and other energy limiting conditions.”

Connect with Danya:

Elizabeth Danyluk

Elizabeth Danyluk (she/her) graduated from the Yoga Therapist Diploma Program in February, 2024. Elizabeth says:
“I was drawn to yoga therapy in 2012. After completing a 200-hr yoga teacher training in 2008 and teaching different styles of yoga in various environments, I was hungry for more learning. I travelled from Alberta to California to participate in a 300-hr yoga therapy infused training and lived in an ashram studying from a psychologist and a yogic nun. I had practiced yoga since the late 90’s and could observe within my experience a feeling of grounding and calming of the mind, but here I was able to connect spiritually which manifested as tension requesting of me to surrender and let go.

Before choosing Ajna, I had investigated three schools to become a certified yoga therapist, one in Canada, two from the U.S. I landed with Ajna for two reasons: when asking questions, I was consistently met with a timely and considerate reply, and when I viewed my schedule of what was going to fit into my life without causing me to be overwhelmed, their policy gave spaciousness for part-time training and learning.

I connected deeply to specific modules like the Business of Yoga Therapy to craft goals and a mission statement, the Therapeutic Relationship module to reiterate importance of relationship and community, the Restorative module because it helped me more fully understand the koshas, and the Chakra module as it supported healing some old wounds.”

My current plans for yoga therapy are to continue to offer group online classes and private sessions for those who enjoy yoga from their home, and I have partnered with an organization to offer yoga retreats.
My view of yoga follows the kosha model of wholeness where each level is addressed to some degree, dependent upon the person or groups needs and goals. My future thoughts about yoga therapy are to try to offer its holistic benefits at the local hospital where I have been offering spiritual care.”

Connect with Elizabeth:
Register for a class: Elizabeth.Danyluk

Russ Green

Russ Green (he/him) started with the Yoga Therapy Bridge program and then transferred into the 800 Hour Yoga Therapist Diploma Program. As a retired member of the Canadian military, Russ was looking for a change in career. Russ says:
“I’m very grateful to have done the 10 Mentorship classes at Ajna during the 300 Hour bridge program. This helped give me the confidence and motivation I needed to continue with the 800 Hour program. In my humble opinion, there is no substitution for being in the presence of an experienced teacher when you are learning to lead a class.

Teaching the 50 individual Yoga Therapy one on one sessions was the best part of the training…the culmination of all my learning. Michelle’s insight in her mentorship greatly helped me tailor my clients’ programs and assisted me to develop a Therapeutic approach to my clients’ goals.

Taking the 800-hour Yoga Therapist Diploma Program has given me the community, confidence, experience & resources to find my voice. I credit the training with preparing me to work with clients and their health professional teams to assist with their holistic wellness needs.”

Connect with Russ:

Jocelyne Frank

Jocelyne (she/her) graduated in November, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“I loved yoga but the studio class environment never felt right for me. I was more into connecting with people 1-1 and supporting them. Lots of searches led me to Yoga Therapy.

I choose Ajna during because I could transfer after completing a few modules with another yoga therapy program. I was moving back to Thailand and I really wanted to continue my studies online.

Jules was so responsive and I had such a positive interaction with her which really encouraged me to join.
There was so much wisdom in the program but I never felt confused or overwhelmed with it. I always felt empowered, seen, and supported. I loved that we could also attend the teachers’ classes during the program (I loved Michelle’s tensegrity class).
I’m using my 1-1 sessions inside my women’s wellness business Wild Womb. Since I’ve been traveling and living in Thailand, I’ve been doing all of my sessions online. It’s been a great year supporting women with womb health (fibroids, cysts, PCOS), mental health, period health, and body connection goals. In addition to this, I feel a calling to support people in a Hospice. A bit of a switch from my current focus but I’ve felt this in my heart for a while too.”

Connect with Jocelyne:
Instagram: @wildwomb_joss
Facebook: @wildwomb.joss
Website: www.wildwombspace

Linda Qin

Linda (she/her) graduated in September, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“The healing power of yoga draw me to yoga therapy. My previous studio manager recommended me to Ajna. It is valuable experience to learn from the best and feel like hand by hand to walk me through this journey.

This is well organized program. The teachers are amazingly good, kind, and dedicate to their teaching. This is a very rewarding process. I feel like that I have tool box full of tools to help people with yoga.

There is a saying that you can only be good at whatever you are doing. Through teaching 50 individual yoga therapy sessions, I was able to apply the sequences for back care and
Tensegrity, Yin… and practice what I learn from the modules. I learned teaching therapeutic yoga class in a group setting by offering different modifications and attending to each person’s individual needs in class. This process allows me to review and apply what I learned during the course.
I am armed with so many valuable tools from this program. Most importantly, to meet the clients wherever they are, caring, and serving with my best knowledge. I am super grateful for all the teachers for your exceptional knowledge and dedication for the work.”

Connect with Linda:
Instagram: @lindali968
Facebook: @Linda Li

Angela Hansen

Angela (she/her) graduated in September, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“I first explored yoga therapy because I was in chronic pain. I had an intuition that I needed to understand more about the subtle energies to truly heal.

I chose Ajna because it was close to me and I could also choose to study online. I loved the accessibility of being able to take this training online.


I loved connecting with the other teachers during workshops. It was special to be around so many like-minded souls. The instructors were wonderful and presented themselves with grace and a growth mindset. I would recommend this school, and have, to many people.
The yoga therapy program changed my relationship with pain and gave me an understanding how to heal myself.

The numerous modules we covered educated me and empowered me to come into my own niche and chronic pain focus, while maintaining yoga knowledge in so many
I now offer online programming, one on one coaching, and drop in classes as a chronic pain/condition specialist.”

Connect with Angela:
Instagram: @treatyourselfwellness
Youtube: Angela Hansen

Elle Wild

Elle (she/her) graduated in August, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“My personal journey of having my life turned upside down by being unable to pursue my dreams of underwater welding has led me here. Through my own healing experiences, on the way to finding myself again, I discovered the transformative power of yoga therapy and fitness.
Ajna was the first Yoga Therapy school in Canada, and at the time I had only just begun my healing journey, and I was living in Toronto. I knew I didn’t “fit” in at studios or gyms and it felt I was drawn to more restorative and gentle practices, which, was not the popular opinion at the time.


When I stumbled on Ajna in a deep dive to find a studio that could help me, I discovered Yoga Therapy in of itself and how their values and practices aligned with my own. From there, a new fire was lit. I set out to rehabilitate myself with these therapeutic practices wherever I could find them, and made a promise to myself, that I would take this course. When I knew I was moving to BC, I immediately applied.


Aside from the theory and hands-on practices, what I most enjoyed about the program was how much caring came from the faculty and students alike. From caring about how our day was, what material someone was struggling with or caring enough to take the time to explain things in more depth when anyone needed it. When I felt I needed some more focused attention, Jules and Michelle made themselves available to help and support me.

I’m now offering private in-home, in studio and online sessions for yoga therapy, fitness and injury rehabilitation. I emphasize a comprehensive approach that incorporates a variety of practices such as pain-care aware techniques, foam rolling, functional movements, and mobility exercises. Clients sign up on our app, where they can track their progress track with ease, stay on top of meals, and connect with a thriving community of like-minded individuals.

Connect with Elle:
Instagram: @elementally_wild_wellness
Elle lives in Victoria, BC, Canada

Rena Sinstadt (Chadwick)

Rena (she/her) graduated in July, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“I was drawn to yoga therapy in 2018, during my 240hr teacher training with Ajna Yoga. I initially chose Ajna as I was looking for a therapeutically based centre, and was curious to learn more ways on how to create inclusive and accessible spaces, and wanted to dive deeper into my own personal practice. I just happened to be coming to visit the island that summer, and after doing research and discovering Ajna’s values and beliefs aligned with my own, and that they were also offering a summer immersion- well, the stars seemed to align! I could not have even known how special Ajna would be in the years to come, and how truly grateful I am to have found such an incredible community.
It’s very difficult to say what I enjoyed most about the program, as I loved it all! I really loved the practicum component; it’s been amazing getting to meet and work with people of all ages and from all walks of life. I feel so grateful for all the support I received from my mentorship experience with Michelle and Jules.


Another aspect I really appreciated was being able to take trainings at my own pace and it was because of this part-time model, that allowed me to complete my designation. I was thoroughly impressed with each module, and the passion and expertise each facilitator shared from.


From the first day I attended a studio class at Ajna five years ago, I felt welcomed like I was receiving a great big hug. This is a place that welcomes all with love, honesty and compassion. They share the ancient practice of yoga, from a place of deep reverence to this transformative practice. I’m forever grateful to Michelle, Jules, the rest of the faculty and students.
I’m excited to be joining the team at Agile Integrated Health located in Victoria, BC, working in a collaborative, client-centered environment, offering 1:1 yoga therapy. I also offer yoga therapy at Saanich Commonwealth Place and teach restorative yoga, offer sound baths and specialty workshops, and am so grateful to sub at Ajna Yoga as well.

Connect with Rena:
Instagram: @renasmethod
Rena lives in Victoria, BC, Canada

Cheryl Landrigan

Cheryl(she/her) graduated in July, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“My path to yoga therapy was unplanned and curvy. I took my 200hr YTT in 2016 with the intent to deepen my own practice. Shortly after completing the program, I was in my local studio class and the teacher did not arrive. When someone asked, “is there a yoga teacher here?” my arm went up (seemingly on its own!). At the time I was working (more than) full time in a corporate executive role and realized how much I looked forward to that 75min slice of time each week where I taught.

I considered other options, but my inner voice was leading me to Ajna – and I am sooo glad I listened.The program was incredible, so much so, that I surpassed my initial goal of attaining my RYT500 and completed my IAYT certification!

I started the Ajna program in January 2022 with Nicole and was totally impressed by her knowledge, professionalism, authenticity and generosity of experience and insight that I was inspired and wholeheartedly committed to continue. As I went through the modules, I was impressed with all the faculty and fellow students. Everyone was engaged, incredibly supportive of each other, and heartfelt in their collective pursuit of offering a health focused, client-centred practice. I worked from home during most of COVID and hosted a lot of online meetings and courses. Holding space online all weekend is not easy, and in my view, the Ajna team have mastered the art of online learning − polished and super engaging! After taking CE from various in person and online providers since 2016, I felt like I had truly found my yoga training home with Ajna.


The yoga therapy program also immediately changed my teaching style. Many times I have thought, “my yoga therapy jeannie is out of the bottle, and she’s not going back in.” The approach of yoga therapy is so different than a 200hr YTT. Not only is the study more rigorous and deeper, it is also more holistic to prepare the therapist to care for clients with a broad range of health concerns. Having worked in health care administration, I was initially excited about the anatomy and physiology modules, but it was the philosophy and subtle body practice modules that changed my body, mind and soul forever. I can honestly say the Ajna program has made me a better person. As other graduates have noted; since starting the program, I have grown immensely as a person and a teacher, and at 63yrs truly see my Self and love who I am.

At graduation I was teaching 45 hours of classes a month at three locations, plus developing workshops and offering mobile and online private sessions. Collaborating with clinical care providers has been particularly rewarding. Recently I was asked to lead onsite sessions with the clinical staff at Richmond Hospital. I am deeply honored to support this group of dedicated front line health professionals. As I continue to gain experience and stay open to opportunities, my ‘lane’ and offering develops. It is exciting to see it evolve organically. I would also like to be formally involved with IAYT in advocating for regulation in Canada. I believe the profession of yoga therapy would benefit immensely from equitable regulation with health care providers.

I am forever grateful to Jules and Michelle for inviting me into the Ajna community with open arms. I am also grateful to all the Ajna teachers, presenters, my fellow students and all the clients who supported my educational journey as we continue to practice and learn together each week.

When I graduated at the end of June 2023, I was touched by the same feelings I had when I graduated from university in 1984: relief, enthusiasm, optimism, excitement and curiosity about where this milestone will lead. My yoga therapist study and experience has left me feeling healthier, confident and invigorated at a time in life that unfortunately leave some people feeling lost. I trust that my yoga therapist journey will unfold exactly as it should.”

Connect with Cheryl:
Website (coming soon):
Cheryl lives in Richmond (Steveston) BC, Canada

Julie Chapman

Julie (she/her) graduated in June, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“After my 200hr training, well to be honest, during my 200hr training, I knew for certain that I wanted to teach a different kind of yoga, and at that time I hadn’t even heard of therapeutic yoga. But I always had the sense of wanting to go deeper in my regular yoga classes, give more, help others on a deeper level, I just didn’t know exactly how. A few years later, we are all sent home due to the pandemic and this was the beginning of my journey into yoga therapy through Ajna. Thanks to the option of taking the program fully online, I didn’t wait another second, and registered for my first module – excited and nervous.


From the moment I began the program I was incredibly impressed, not only with the quality of education, the content of each module and the instructors themselves, but also with the selfless, giving nature of each of the instructors in the knowledge and life experience they shared.

Regardless of being online with my instructors and classmates I felt connected to the group and engaged in each module. I give credit to Ajna for figuring out the technicalities of teaching by zoom and somehow still making each of us feel heard, be able to ask questions, and get into some really juicy group discussions.

I have loved this journey with Michelle and Jules and everyone at Ajna, all my classmates and all the instructors. I have changed and grown so much since I started the program and I love the person I’ve become. I’m excited to continue to learn more, excited to see what I can do with my new skills and knowledge, and what kind of impact I can now make to others in a meaningful way that is perfectly aligned with who I am. I am honored to be a ‘ripple’ of the Ajna goodness moving outward to the world.”

Connect with Julie:
Fb: @Humming Bee Therapeutic Yoga & Wellness
Insta: @hummingbeewellness
Website: Hummingbee Wellness

Jennifer Montagano

Jennifer (she/her) graduated in June, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“I was led to yoga therapy through an injury. Initially I felt a lot of pain and barriers mentally and physically, but later I realised continuing yoga was completely hopeful and possible through what I later knew as yoga therapy.


Finding Ajna was serendipitous or prāsada buddhi (a gift from the Divine)! Nearing the end of my injury I travelled across the country and not long after settling into the West Coast I discovered there was an accredited college (Ajna Yoga) nearby to me that offered yoga therapy, so I enrolled and went for it. I instantly connected with an inclusive, supportive, like-minded and beautifully diverse community and space with the students and faculty at Ajna Yoga.

Jules and Michelle feel like family–I just adore them! The program encourages and celebrates what yoga therapy does – individuality, inclusivity, hope, and growth. The program is designed to fit into your life in terms of: where you tune in from (in person or online); accommodating and welcoming different perspectives on every topic creating a richer learning; supporting the pace at which you want to do the program, and the program offers a wonderful balance between written material (that you’ll keep for the rest of your teaching days) and practical opportunities for case studies, teaching, and reflecting.

The program is so well-rounded I felt like I was always in the sweet spot of feeling supported, prepared and ready to explore and also enough out of my comfort zone that I was growing and seeing my potential. Working with my mentor throughout the practicum ensured that my clients were always getting the best care, and was transformative both personally and for my development as a Yoga Therapist.

I am currently a practicing Yoga Therapist at a physiotherapy and wellness clinic in downtown Vancouver, working alongside diversely-skilled practitioners to bring folks comprehensive care. It’s exciting to collaborate where I am and see that other practitioners and clients recognize and appreciate the value of yoga therapy and how it can support health and wellness–and it is amazing to witness how the addition of yoga therapy supports folks in their health and wellness goals.

I also offer 1-1 private yoga therapy outside of the clinic through my own business and offer public therapeutic yoga classes.”

Connect with Jenn:
Fb: @solayayogatherapy
Insta: @solayayoga

Maija Poyhonen

Maija (she/her) graduated in April, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“I came to yoga therapy as a way to deepen my understanding of yogic practices and the human body. After I received my 200-hour certification in 2016 and began teaching community based classes, I soon realized that there were times that I did not know how to safely support all bodies in a yoga class. I wanted to learn more about different injuries, health issues and disabilities so that I could offer classes that were truly accessible. I also wanted to learn more about yogic philosophy and how to integrate these teachings into my classes. My hope is that by including yogic teachings into my classes, students will find greater interest in yoga as a way of living instead of viewing it as just a form of exercise.


I opted to enroll in the program at Ajna because I liked the flexibility of being able to take classes at my own pace. The nice thing about this program is that I didn’t feel pressure when life got busy and I had to slow down a bit. I was able to complete the program in a way that made sense for my schedule and Jules and Michelle were super supportive of that. I work in the schools as a Speech-Language Pathologist during the week so finding a program that offered weekend classes was huge for me! Another thing that drew me to this program was the variety of courses and instructors Ajna offers. Yoga Therapy can be such a broad field and it was inspiring to be able to learn from people who were truly passionate about the topics they were teaching.
The sense of community was something that really stands out to me about this program. It was so nice to see familiar faces in the weekend modules, as well as meeting new people each weekend. The support from peers and the friendships I made were invaluable and I have continued to keep in touch with people long after the weekend modules were finished. I started this program during the pandemic and I honestly feel like the benefits I received from learning and growing in community each weekend was so positive for my mental and emotional health during that time. I truly appreciated the support the instructors gave throughout the classes as well. I felt like they really wanted to see students succeed in the program and that they utilized multiple modalities to help us fully integrate the material we were learning.


I began a business called “Talkoot Wellness” a little over a year ago. I am currently running a private practice in my hometown, offer virtual sessions and am about to start an after-school program with an at risk population. A big portion of my work has been supporting clients with mental, emotional needs and trauma. This is an area of the field that I am very interested in and will continue to further my education in. This year I am also looking to host a backpacking yoga retreat along Lake Superior as well as a fall retreat. Travel has been a big part of my life and I want to be able to share these types of experiences with others. My long-term goal for this business is to have a nature-based center where people can come stay for a few days or longer. Our world can be so busy and our days can be filled with endless tasks. I want to be able to give people the experience of slowing down, connecting to nature, taking a deep breath, and coming back home to themselves.


Connect with Maija:
Fb: @Talkoot Wellness
Insta: talkoot.wellness

Shamini Harinarayanan

Shamini (she/her) graduated in March, 2023 with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“Yoga therapy is a subject that first caught my interest, quite by accident, in the year 2015. I had been teaching yoga after completing my 250hour YTT in 2011 and remember thinking, ‘what’s next’? I came across the subject of Yoga Therapy while browsing the internet and I immediately knew that this was an area of study that I wanted to pursue.


I looked at many schools that was offering this program and for some reason, I kept returning to Ajna. I liked how the program was designed to give one the flexibility to either take each course individually and decide later about the Yoga Therapist Diploma program.

There is no pressure, and you can choose which workshop you wanted to do first and build on this. It was also an online program and it worked well for someone who does not live in BC. One month after enrolling in the program, I had to return to Malaysia for family reasons. Due to the time difference, I was attending classes overnight and I received so much love and care from the instructors that I knew I had made the right decision.


The compassion of the teachers and the respect given to everyone is truly appreciated. The learning platform is easy to navigate and all the materials are uploaded well in advance of each workshop as are the recordings. There is such a high level of wisdom, and everyone is highly knowledgeable and generous in their sharing.

I worked with two different mentors, Michelle, and Tanya as part of my practicum, and I would like to acknowledge both. Michelle created a safe space and guided me into realizing the areas where I excel in. She instinctively knew when I was overwhelmed and guided me to find stillness and awareness and helped me to build my confidence, both spiritually and physically. Tanya, practical, kind and full of gentle wisdom in her encouragement and positive feedback.

I highly recommend Ajna to anyone looking for a Yoga Therapy program. I truly believe it was one of the best decisions I made.


I have been lucky and blessed to have had the opportunity to practice my internship hours in a clinical setting with doctors in a medical center who have recommended patients to me who will benefit from Yoga Therapy. I hope to have more similar opportunities moving forward.

I am also blessed to have my family, both in Malaysia and in Canada who kept me motivated in my journey especially my daughter who told me that I earned my diploma across continents.

I love to refer to the following quote to give me the strength I sometimes need:
‘When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too’ – Paul Coelho

Connect with Shamini:
Linked in

Rhonda Bergquist

A few years ago, Rhonda Bergquist (she/her) was living with chronic pain and went to a pain clinic for treatment.


She had a yoga therapy session there and experienced much needed relief from her pain. This inspired her to find out how she could share yoga therapy with other people living with chronic pain.


Rhonda graduated in 2022 from Ajna with her Diploma in Yoga Therapy. She says:
“The teachers were incredible at making me feel as though I was their only participant, which is far from their reality. They supported me with understanding and compassion and the feedback/suggestions provided were incredibly thoughtful, kind and caring. The most valuable component for me were the mentorship modules within the program. That’s where the magic happened. I felt greatly supported which cultivated confidence in my thought processes within the delivery of my abilities to guide my clients toward wellness and betterment in a very safe and good way.


The entire program is put together so well into juicy attainable modules. Plus they worked thoroughly with my previous school to transfer credits. The technology that drives the program is also something of a small wonder as they make it so easy to navigate and participate in setting up your learning journey. The silver lining was that they made things happen during a tight lockdown with COVID and offered their intense teachings online where I met people from all over the globe!!


My experience goes beyond the curriculum and into personal growth and understanding of myself and others, learning boundaries, learning and owning my scope of practice and when to refer out and most importantly, when to say no.


My plan is to continue braiding what I have experienced to be three great strands of healing into the world: Yoga Therapy, Energy Healing and my Indigenous Wisdom Teachings.”

Connect with Rhonda:
instagram – @Rhondamayb


Steph Savage

Steph Savage (they/them) gradated from Ajna’s Yoga Therapy Diploma Program in July. Steph is based in Saint John, New Brunswick, where they run their own yoga therapy studio.


Steph says:
“When I completed my 200-hour training, I began searching for ways to expand my yoga knowledge. I found Yoga Therapy online and immediately started searching everything I could on the topic.

I came upon Ajna through the IAYT list of top accredited Yoga Therapy Colleges, and I was intrigued. After looking at the Ajna website, I found that our values aligned, which was important to me in a Yoga Therapy program.


I feel more vibrant today than I did decades ago and I have finally found my purpose in life. Every time I walk into the Ajna studio in Victoria and teach a class, I am so grateful for the contribution that it has made toward my mental, physical, and spiritual growth.”


My time with Ajna has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life to date. The connections and friendships I have made through this program are invaluable to me. I cannot recommend this program enough!

I am currently running my own Yoga Therapy business and studio thanks to Ajna Yoga and I feel honored to be able to share what I’ve learned with my students and my community.

Thank you Ajna for giving me the space to be who I was and the chance to grow into who I am.”


Connect with Steph:

Instagram & Facebook- @savageyogainc.

Marilee Pirie

Marilea had a busy career in the corporate world. Recognizing that there was too much stress and not enough stretch or sleep, she retired from corporate life and set out to find a new path that would support her health and spirit. She studied with Chopra Global and became a certified Instructor in Ayurveda Health, Meditation and a Well-being Coach.


She knew she was missing the cornerstone of yoga, so she researched different programs and started her studies at Ajna. Marilea loved their welcoming and therapeutic approach to yoga. Marilea says:

“It was comforting to know that you didn’t need to have a youthful dancer’s mobility to become a yoga instructor with Ajna. I also enjoyed learning about the personal journeys of other students and always felt so connected to the Ajna community. I never started out to become a Yoga Therapist, but the program was so enticing (and Jules’ mentorship and encouragement so positive), that I received my Yoga Therapist Diploma certification at the start of 2022.


I feel more vibrant today than I did decades ago and I have finally found my purpose in life. Every time I walk into the Ajna studio in Victoria and teach a class, I am so grateful for the contribution that it has made toward my mental, physical, and spiritual growth.”


Marilea (she/her) now teaches small group yoga classes – Yoga for Back-fit, BoneBody-fit, Golf-fit, MindBody-fit. She also holds private Yoga Therapy sessions (in person and online). Yoga therapy is an integral part of her wellness service offerings.


Connect with Marilea:

Isabelle Chatelain

“I just wanted to thank you all for your wisdom, guidance and for holding space so beautifully for me during this training, as well as the group teaching. I feel like so much stronger of a teacher now and have so much more confidence. Ajna has felt like the safest most compassionate yoga space I have ever been a part of. Thank you all so much ❤️” – Isabelle Chatelain


Isabelle (she/her) is one of Ajna’s most recent Yoga Therapy graduates. She is now a C-IAYT, a certified yoga therapist. Isabelle found out she was pregnant at the beginning of her yoga therapy training with Ajna. By the time she graduated, she had a 9-month old!


Learning online was important in supporting Isabelle through her training. She lives in Alberta, so she would not have been able to do the training in person in Victoria.


Getting her certification while pregnant and then with a newborn and all during COVID was a huge challenge. Isabelle credits her own yoga therapy practice, as well as the support of the students and teachers for making it through. Isabelle says, “This is the most supportive yoga community I have ever been part of. Michelle and Jules and the other faculty members were always available for support and chats. This made a huge impact on my confidence and my learning. I made close friends during the training that I know will stay in my life.”


Connect with Isabelle:

Dawn Boys

Dawn (she/her) graduated with her Yoga Therapy Diploma from Ajna in 2021. Dawn says:


“I began my journey in yoga therapy in 2005 when my children were babies. I had worked as a personal trainer, yoga teacher and assistant to physio’s, chiropractors and Occupational therapists since the late 80’s and saw the trainings as a way to weave the clinical rehab with yoga. As a certified Ayurveda wellness councillor, the combination of the modalities aligned well with Yoga Therapy too.


I found doing the yoga therapy trainings difficult to manage with a home yoga studio and family life. I chose to do the Ajna Yoga Therapy Diploma program after researching the modules, teachers and location of the College. I began driving from central BC to Victoria and diving into the curriculum with my heart and soul. Jules and Michelle were supportive of my path and made it so easy to come back and forth, sometimes weekly.


When the faculty went online I was almost half way through and had built a lovely bond with some students and teachers. As sad as it was to train at home, I was able to press on, with more time and energy conserved.


I can’t say enough of how empowering it has been to study each module in the program. This online style of learning was quickly and professional accommodated by the teaching faculty. They didn’t miss a beat to continue to provide excellent trainings. There are so many new modules being introduced that keep you wanting to come back for more!


With compassion and grace I’ve been mentored beyond my expectations. Jules was my mentor through most of my clients and continues to mentor me even though I’ve graduated from the program. Michelle held a beautiful space as a mentor in an end of life journey with a dear client. She helped me see the journey through my teaching tools with honour, compassion and respect.


Today I continue to weave my nature-based meditation, foraging & exercise practices with Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy in my community. I work alongside an end-of-life doula & care aide to provide our services in unity for life care. With my recent module in Pelvic Floor health I will be adding more home and extended care assistance and moving more into the wellness & therapy clinics in our surrounding communities. In addition, I continue to teach indoor & outdoor therapeutic yoga group classes & Aqua Yoga therapy in my residential pool.”


Connect with Dawn –

Sarah Nelsen

Sarah (she/her) lives in Portland, Oregon and is a graduate of the Ajna Yoga Therapist Diploma program. She graduated in June, 2019.


Sarah came to yoga therapy in a unique way – she saw a yoga therapist in 2009 when she was working with depression. She had read a book that mentioned yoga therapy as a way to support depression. Sarah looked at the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) website to find a local yoga therapist and started sessions with her, and became a yoga teacher with the objective of becoming a yoga therapist. Sarah says:


“It was magic. I had done a lot of different kinds of therapy before, but I always left feeling sad or angry. When I did yoga therapy, stuff came up, but then because we combined it with yoga, yoga philosophy, and rest, I left feeling better. And I thought: I need to learn how to do this so I can share it with others.


It turns out, a lot of stuff had to fall apart in order to get there. When my marriage ended in 2017, I was able to sell my condo, have a small nest egg, and leave my dog in my mom’s care.


I feel strongly there is no other yoga therapy training that would have made me feel like I was wrapped in a cocoon. I felt very held by nature when I was in Victoria studying.


Jules and Michelle and all of the instructors and all of the students (probably because they are Canadians) were all so loving and so supportive. It felt non-competitive. You all truly wanted us to do our best. I will also say the people who attend classes at the studio are also so lovely and supportive. When I did my mentorship, they were cheering me on, too.


I felt like I emerged from a cocoon, like a little butterfly self. I came home and started to set up my own yoga therapy practice. I got connected with a wellness centre to do private sessions and group classes. And then the pandemic hit, and I switched to teaching online.


2021 and 2022 have been big years for my business. In October 2021, I launched my online therapeutic yoga membership program. I use the spoon theory for chronic pain to guide people to choose the practice that works for them. And I am now back to seeing in person clients for private and group classes at the wellness centre. The clients are mostly immune-compromised so we are super careful. One of my clients thinks I’m magic. I’m able to show up for her and she feels better every time.”


Yoga therapy has come full-circle for Sarah. As a client in 2009 she felt the magic of yoga therapy. Thirteen years later, she provides that same space for her clients.


Sarah specializes in chronic illness, with a focus on pain and anxiety.

Connect with Sarah:
Homecoming therapeutic yoga membership:
Free Yoga in Bed 3-part course:
Instagram: @therapeuticyogawithsarah
Coming soon: a podcast for spoonies at the people who love them: