Yoga Therapy Research
As yoga has gained popularity as a healing modality, a growing body of scientific research has studied the effects of yoga therapy.
Below is a list of sites to explore yoga therapy research studies:

Here are a few highlights and links from recent studies:
This review of randomized controlled trials concluded that emerging evidence supports the benefits of yoga as an ancillary treatment for depression and sleep disorders.
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Meditative movement, such as yoga, shows significant benefit for depression and anxiety severity, as well as remission rate. This systematic review and meta-analysis states that, “Given the fact that meditative movements are safe and easily accessible, clinicians may consider recommending meditative movements for symptomatic management in this population.”
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In this 8-year clinical trial, conducted at Johns Hopkins University, a well-rounded yoga program for those with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis improved pain by 40%. Participants also demonstrated overall improvement in arthritis symptoms, physical fitness, psychological functioning, and health-related quality of life.
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